Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project Linus - reconstruction of a quilt

Between errands, projects and cleaning I have been working on getting flimsies ready for Project Linus - National Make a Blanket Day, Feb 18th. There is another preparation meeting this coming Wednesday to put quilt kits together for the volunteer quilters coming on the 18th. I finished reconstructing the extra project that came home with me at the last meeting and added borders. The green and white center was in one long piece along with many wavy lines and did not lay flat. Measured some of the squares, cut 1 3/4” -2 ½”. Finally got it to lay flat and if not inspected too closely it looks nice. Approximately a 52” square. It's ready to be tied or quilted on the 18th.

The local chapter of Project Linus not only supports the medical community but supports Family Services and

1 comment:

  1. Love the layout of this! It will make a wonderful donation quilt:)
