Thursday, February 23, 2012

Make a Blanket Day - Project Linus

Saturday was a very fun and busy day. Had over 70 people attend the MABD. Some all day, some for 2+ hours. Quilters, knitters and crocheters; along with many volunteers. Some high school students, over 12 male and 7 female were there most of the day. Funny we had more males but they did a great job tying blankets, lifting heavy bags of blankets and helping with cleanup. I had many pictures of them, but since they are minors ages 12-17 did not post any pictures.

Brenda taking a quick break to smile at the camera.

Christie with a finished flimsy from one of the Rail Fence kits.

Many 10” crochet blocks being sewed into blankets.

Some of the finished RW&B quilts for TAPS.
 Very fun day, had a great potluck lunch, lots of laughing and made many blankets.

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